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Michiganders' right to abortion is at risk.

Just two years ago, Michiganders came out in record numbers to support abortion rights at the ballot box. Yet if anti-abortion politicians take the majority on the Michigan Supreme Court, they will use their positions to attack the reproductive freedoms Michiganders have fought so hard for.

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Andrew Fink and Patrick O'Grady will work to ban abortion. 

Andrew Fink has made his opposition to reproductive rights clear, receiving an endorsement from the anti-abortion group Right to Life of Michigan. As a State Representative, he voted against the 2023 Reproductive Health Act and has even sponsored legislation aimed at banning abortion in 2021, long before Roe was overturned.

[HB 4949Roll Call 460, 11/1/23; HB 4731, 4/29/21]

Patrick O'Grady opposes constitutional protections for abortion and LGBTQ rights and is endorsed by the anti-abortion group Right to Life of Michigan. During a recent debate, O'Grady expressed belief in the same principles regarding the interpretation of the Constitution used by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to justify the overturning of Roe v. Wade.



If Fink and O'Grady are elected, it would be a disaster for reproductive freedom, opening the floodgates to allow abortion opponents to undo everything we have fought for here in Michigan. At no point should a politician’s personal opinion have a say in medical decisions between a patient and a doctor.

But this November WE DECIDE.

​Kyra Harris Bolden and Kimberly Ann Thomas will protect Michiganders' abortion access.


Before joining the bench, Kyra Harris Bolden was a State Representative, where she fought to protect and expand Michiganders’ access to reproductive health care.

Kimberly Ann Thomas has devoted her legal career to serving low-income youth. She is committed to upholding the laws of the State of Michigan and will protect the constitutional right to reproductive freedom we fought so hard to secure. 

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Michigan Planned Parenthood Votes is an independent expenditure political committee registered with the Federal Election Commission.

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