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Michigan’s 41st State House District

Our health and rights are on the line. It's critical that we elect leaders who will work to expand access to health care, not attack it. Learn more about where Michigan’s 41st State House District candidates stand on health care and reproductive rights before you turn in your ballot for the November 3rd General Election.


State Rep. Padma Kuppa, Democratic Incumbent

Endorsed by Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan

State Rep. Padma Kuppa knows it’s becoming harder and harder for working people - whether black, brown or white - to afford health care and build a future for our families.

That’s why she introduced legislation to protect Michiganders with preexisting conditions and fought to restore the MI Paid Leave Act to ensure working families can access paid sick leave to care for themselves and their families.

“All Michiganders should have access to affordable health care, and no one should be denied because of pre-existing conditions.”

You can trust State Rep. Padma Kuppa to:

  • Protect and expand access to health care

  • Stand with Planned Parenthood patients and health centers

  • Fight back against attacks on reproductive rights and access to safe, legal abortion

  • Support accurate, comprehensive sex education programs for young Michiganders

  • Support measures that increase access to domestic violence assistance, adequate wages, earned paid leave time, safe homes and more.


Andrew Sosnoski, Republican Challenger

Andrew Sosnoski’s dangerous agenda would put politics over people, making it even harder for Michiganders to access the care we need to live healthy, full lives and take care of our families.

Andrew Sosnoski supports extreme abortion bans and wants to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, cutting off access to birth control, cancer screenings and other essential reproductive health care.


Take Action:

Ready to cast your vote for reproductive health champions? View our full endorsement guide and then make a plan to vote.


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